Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) advantage , shortcomings and probable solutions

GRAP (Graded Response Action Plan) is a framework designed to combat air pollution in the Delhi-NCR region.


  1. Timely Intervention:
    • Current Approach: GRAP triggers actions based on predefined AQI levels. This ensures timely intervention when pollution worsens.
    • Improvement: Enhance real-time monitoring systems. Implement predictive models that anticipate pollution spikes. Alerts can then be issued even before AQI reaches critical levels.
  2. Customized Measures:
    • Current Approach: Different stages allow for targeted actions. For instance, restricting construction during poor air quality.
    • Improvement: Tailor measures further. Consider location-specific restrictions (e.g., near schools or hospitals). Also, involve local communities in decision-making.
  3. Public Health Protection:
    • Current Approach: GRAP emphasizes curbing vehicular emissions and industrial pollution.
    • Improvement: Promote green infrastructure (e.g., urban forests, green roofs) to absorb pollutants. Encourage citizens to use public transport and adopt cleaner energy sources.
  4. Legal Backing:
    • Current Approach: GRAP has legal approval.
    • Improvement: Strengthen enforcement mechanisms. Fines for non-compliance should be substantial. Also, ensure transparency in reporting and accountability.


  1. Inadequate Implementation:
    • Current Issue: Resource constraints hinder effective enforcement.
    • Improvement: Allocate dedicated resources for GRAP implementation. Collaborate with NGOs, volunteers, and citizen groups. Leverage technology for better enforcement.
  2. Limited Scope:
    • Current Issue: GRAP focuses solely on Delhi-NCR.
    • Improvement: Expand the scope to include neighboring states. Develop a regional action plan to address cross-border pollution. Interstate coordination is crucial.
  3. Emergency Measures:
    • Current Issue: Emergency actions disrupt daily life.
    • Improvement: Balance emergency measures with public awareness campaigns. Educate citizens about the importance of GRAP and encourage proactive steps.
  4. Long-Term Solutions:
    • Current Issue: GRAP emphasizes short-term actions.
    • Improvement: Integrate long-term solutions. Invest in clean energy infrastructure, promote electric vehicles, and incentivize industries to adopt cleaner technologies.

In summary, GRAP can be more effective by combining real-time data, community involvement, regional collaboration, and a holistic approach. Let’s strive for cleaner air

more details on this topic can be accesses from
The Hindu | Business Standard | Times Of India